red knife, 1995

Triptich: burlap, old upholstery vinyl, house paint, and found knife.

"Ala" (wing)

This series emerged after the MFA thesis exhibition as a compositional exploration with "animals" and stitching over solid color textiles with a minimalistic sense.

Ala, 1995, 12" x 9"

Ala 2, 1995, 12" x 9"

Later on the wing became a tryptich in 1996.

Ala, 1996, " 18" x 36" aprox.
c:: Ivette Lopez Ruiz

MFA thesis exhibition SCAD

Untitled, 1996, natural felted wool, burlap, housepaint, window screen, 36" x 42".

Untitled, 1996, fur collar, burlap, housepaint, 36" x 72".

Untitled, 1996, ram's skull with horns, burlap, wood and housepaint, 36" x 72".